Employer profile

enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Arbeiten in der Photovoltaikbranche

enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Mitarbeiter-Zufriedenheit steht für uns an erster Ste

Contact information
Kaufmännische Berufe, Webdesign, Technische Projektleitung, Beratung, Vertrieb, Verkauf, Elektroinstallation, Photovoltaikmontage, Praktikum, Ausbildung, Werkstudium, Bewerbung, Mitarbeiterbewertungen, Arbeitgeberbewertungen, Unternehmenskultur, Karriere, Gehalt, Gesamtzufriedenheit, Branche mit Zukunft

Contact information

enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Arbeiten in der Photovoltaikbranche
Tornescher Weg 107
25436 Uetersen

Contact person
Frank Musholt

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3 stars 0
2 stars 0
1 star 0
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5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

Work atmosphere

5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews


5.00 out of 5
3 Reviews

3 Employer reviews on ProvenEmployer.com

5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
The boss is also an employee, which means that encounters and exchanges take place at eye level. Appreciation, respect and joy are lived. Laughing with each other is also very important.
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Employee review & rating for:
enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Arbeiten in der Photovoltaikbranche
5.00 out of 5
Working in an industry that has enormous potential and is actively doing something for the environment: that's what I like about it. No routine, a "start-up-feeling" and genuine, serious appreciation: that's how I experience my work. Friendly customers round off the feeling of well-being.
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Employee review & rating for:
enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Arbeiten in der Photovoltaikbranche
05/11/2022Petra Matthiesen
5.00 out of 5
Rating for:
enerix Elmshorn-Uetersen - Arbeiten in der Photovoltaikbranche
05/11/2022Kai Riedel
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